I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join the Polk City Development Corporation (PCDC).
Our Goal
I want to take this opportunity to invite you to join the Polk City Development Corporation (PCDC). PCDC is a development group with the following goals:
- To assist existing businesses to be vibrant & profitable
- To create a business friendly environment in Polk City
- To recruit potential businesses to Polk City
- To improve the quality of life in Polk City
- To make Polk City a Point of Destination
Member Benefits
- Selling Polk City
- SLOIS (Location One Information System)
Strategic Leadership
- Development of a solid business plan for success
- Transportation Issues
- Utilities
Problem Solving
- Business retention issues
- Assist with new development
The PCDC Board of Directors has contracted with me to achieve these goals and we are off to a good start. PCDC currently has several exciting projects pending that will launch Polk City in the right direction. We know that Polk City will grow, but we want it to be smart growth that will allow Polk City to maintain its small town environment.
Mission Statement
To encourage a proactive business environment that results in a diversified and balanced smart growth of Polk City’s economic base and improves the quality of life.